Introductions to Modern Dance! with Aili

Introductions to Modern Dance! with Aili

Introductions to Modern Dance for the intermediate/advanced student.
Great for all experience levels, whether you are brand new to Modern dance or you've taken some classes already!

I will be continuing to add more combinations as I am able.

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Introductions to Modern Dance! with Aili
  • Modern Combo 1 "Gooey" Demo

    Key Ideas:
    - Expansion. Think about opening of the front body. Radiate energy through the fingers, toes, top of the head. Think "gooey" and stretch like taffy!
    - Contraction. Initiate from the core and think about folding yourself up tight - like a clamshell closing itself.

  • Modern Combo 1 "Gooey"

    Key Ideas:
    - Expansion. Think about opening of the front body. Radiate energy through the fingers, toes, top of the head. Think "gooey" and stretch like taffy!
    - Contraction. Initiate from the core and think about folding yourself up tight - like a clamshell closing itself.

  • Modern Exercise 2 "Cat-Cow" Demo

    Key Ideas:
    - Use your STRENGTH and BREATH to help you transition from contraction to release and vice versa.
    - Keep strength in your arms throughout the whole exercise, and press into the floor with your hands as well as the tops of your feet.
    - Contraction: Imagine connecting your nose to your t...

  • Modern Exercise 2 "Cat-Cow"

    Key Ideas:
    - Use your STRENGTH and BREATH to help you transition from contraction to release and vice versa.
    - Keep strength in your arms throughout the whole exercise, and press into the floor with your hands as well as the tops of your feet.
    - Contraction: Imagine connecting your nose to your t...

  • Modern Combo 3 "Whole Body" Demo

  • Modern Combo 3 "Whole Body"

  • Modern Combo 4 "Plié" Demo

  • Modern Combo 4 "Plié"

  • Modern Combo 5 "Tendu with Attitude" Full Demo

    Key Ideas:
    - Contract & Release!
    - You'll notice I am exaggerating my BREATH, emphasis on the exhale. Please use this as an example to follow! Your breath is super important here. Strong EXHALE to initiate each contraction as well as each release.
    - CONTROL: especially coming out of your attitude...

  • Modern Combo 5 "Tendu with Attitude" Quick Recap!

    Key Ideas: Contract & Release!

  • Modern Combo 5 "Tendu with Attitude"

    Key Ideas:
    - Contract & Release!
    - You'll notice I am exaggerating my BREATH, emphasis on the exhale. Please use this as an example to follow! Your breath is super important here. Strong EXHALE to initiate each contraction as well as each release.
    - CONTROL: especially coming out of your attitude...